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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School

Late Arrivals & Medical Appointments

Good afternoon everybody,


We would like to remind you, registers must close by 9:00am each morning. If a pupil turns up to school after this time without a valid reason they will be marked as unauthorised lateness- this WILL impact on the overall attendance record for a pupil.


Our school hours are 08:40am- 3:10pm Reception- Year 4 and 8:40-3:15 years 5 - 6.  If a pupil is being picked up early, we need to be made aware of this in advance with a valid reason.


National statistics show that poor time keeping seriously affects a child's chance of achieving their full potential. Arriving late may mean that you child misses important instructions for the day and can lead to feelings of isolation and disengagement from learning.


Missing 5 minutes each day in a school year is the same as missing 3 whole school days! Missing 15 minutes each day in a school year is the equivalent to missing nearly 10 whole school days!


Medical appointments are to be made outside of the school day or in school holidays. If this is not possible then pupils should attend school before and after the appointment. Should an appointment be made within school hours, evidence should be shown to office staff to authorise their absence and the pupil must be signed in and out at reception.


Thank you 


The Office Team.