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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School



To appreciate, interpret and explain how art has changed over time and continues to change today.   


At Dudley Wood Primary School we aim to provide a high-quality Art curriculum which will engage, inspire and challenge children. We will encourage children to express themselves in a creative and imaginative way as well as explore ideas and record experiences. Beginning with Cave Paintings in Reception and working through to Modern Art in Year 6, the children will develop an understanding of how art has developed and changed over time.  The children also study high-quality artists and use their works of art as inspiration to produce their own creations. As children progress through the year groups, they will build on their mastery of art and design techniques including drawing, painting and sculpting using a range of materials. 


At Dudley Wood, Art and Design plays a very important role in the children’s development.  Through weekly lessons, we encourage children to be creative, imaginative and inventive and to have high expectations of their work, enabling them to grow in confidence in their own skills, and develop themselves as an individual artist. They are taught to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through the sequences of learning and to safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. 


Following high quality discussion regarding a work of art, the children are encouraged to interpret this work, and develop an opinion upon it, justifying their reasoning. Using this as a stimulus, they then look at creating work that is inspired by an aspect of the piece.  Using live demonstration by their teacher, the children are supported step by step to build upon their skills as artists.  


When children create their art-work it is essential that they have the correct materials to make their creations. At Dudley Wood we ensure that they have access to a plethora of materials which will be recycled and sustainable where possible as we continue to strive towards our sustainable goals. 


Children at Dudley Wood will become creative and innovative learners, who have a deep knowledge about some of the great artists of the world. Children will have embedded the key art and design skills needed to allow them to produce inventive pieces of art inspiring them to become artists of the future.  

Whole school overview

Knowledge Organisers

A knowledge organiser is a document that summarises the key information and essential knowledge about your child's learning.