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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School
At Dudley Wood Primary School, we value everyone and we make every day count. We take care of our children as unique individuals, taking time to develop their interests, talents and personalities. We build strong relationships with parents and work together to ensure our children are happy, safe and successful.
We strive to make a difference to all our children and we work with the highest aspiration. There is no limit to our expectations of what our children are able to achieve. We introduce them to the joy of learning so that they develop their thirst for knowledge, their independence and their confidence.
Since June 1st 2022, we are proud to be part of The Rivers C. of E. Academy Trust. The Trust is a multi-academy trust specialising in primary education. The trust consists of Church of England and community primary, first and pre-schools, and a thriving teaching alliance. It is exciting to be part of this learning community with such a strong culture of collaboration and success.
We will continue to work passionately to provide the best learning opportunities for our children. Through an enhanced and meaningful curriculum, our children will acquire the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to prepare and strengthen them for their role in society: today, tomorrow and in the future.
We are committed to the Trust's strong vision and values that place children at the heart of everything. Our vision is to teach children to love, learn, and live as a global citizen in an ever-changing world, and we will achieve this through working to the values of sharing, trust, achievement, respect and safety.
I look forward to the future of Dudley Wood Primary School with positivity and optimism where all pupils and staff can excel in a school that is happy, safe and bursting with new opportunities.
Warmest regards,
Mr J Beacham, Headteacher.