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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School
About the PTFA
Dudley Wood Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) is a registered UK charity. Our PTFA has recently been established (Jan 2024) with a team of enthusiastic parents and carers. All parents and teachers are automatically members of the PTFA and a committee of up to 12 people are elected each year, at the AGM, to run events and manage PTFA business.
Our AGM is held every January and there are meetings held throughout the year. We value everyone’s input, support, energy and time, whether you run an event, volunteer for a slot at a fair, or even just offer your ideas. So, do look out for meeting dates, come along and join in!
The PTFA’s stated aims are:
A) promoting close cooperation and communication between parents and teachers
B) studying and discussing matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils
C) engaging in activities that support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fundraising and after-school activities
D) considering applications for funds put to the PTFA from parents / carers and teachers, and granting funds to support such applications where the request is passed by a majority
We raise funds each year to wholly or partially fund various activities or improvements. We do this primarily by running events for the school and/or local community to enjoy. The PTFA is run solely by parent and carer volunteers who donate their time and energy to make these events as enjoyable and successful as possible.
We are currently planning to raise money towards a variety of projects including playground equipment and the development of our outdoor areas.
Stay up to date with our Facebook Page.
If you have any suggestions, or can support us, please use the below contact form or email Our Charity Registration number is 1209486.