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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School
Your child's safety is our priority. Unfortunately, our little ones sometimes end up with a bump or a scratch. But not to worry, we have a large team of first aiders on hand to look after any of our children who may have an accident.
We're changing our procedures for reporting bumped heads to our families. If for any reason your child has a bumped head our new procedure will be as follows starting 9th November:
Minor head bump
To be checked and treated by a first aider. They will complete a head injury assessment. If your child is well enough to stay in school, you will receive a text message to simply inform you that your child has received a head bump. We will, of course, closely monitor your child for the remainder of the day. You will receive a letter of head injury advice when your child is dismissed. You don't need to phone us to check how they are. - we will call you if needed.
Minor head injury
To be checked and treated by a first aider. They will complete a head injury assessment. If your child is deemed not well enough to stay in school, you will receive a phone call to collect your child. You will receive a letter of head injury advice when your child is dismissed.