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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School



We intend to provide a curriculum that caters for the needs of all pupils, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their future endeavours. High quality activities which focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving will sustain levels of challenge and prepare them for life beyond the school gate, in the wider community. Pupils will be taught to show their workings using concrete, pictorial and abstract examples and should explain their choice of methods to develop their mathematical reasoning skills.  Resilience, independence, adaptability and perseverance are encouraged as a necessary step to learning and to develop their ability to make connections and see patterns that will enable them to make sense of the world around them.


Developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. At Dudley Wood, we follow the Mastering Number Programme to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. 


Children in Reception, KS1 and KS2 study mathematics daily, following White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning, focusing on small steps through a carefully sequenced learning pathway.   


We implement our approach through high quality teaching, delivering appropriately challenging work for all individuals.


  • Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Learning: Children engage with a wide and varied range of concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract methodologies. Cohesive use of CPA is a fundamental aspect of mastery in mathematics. Concrete and pictorial references scaffold and strengthen understanding, providing children with the tools to tackle abstract concepts

  • Weekly mental maths activities help children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so they develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately

  • In order to further develop children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving, we use Deepening Understanding activities which complement White Rose lessons and enhance children’s understanding of concepts and the links between maths topics 

  • Through our teaching we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against age related expectations, making formative assessment notes which are used to inform our teaching 

  • Summative assessments are completed termly and at the end of each academic year. The main purpose of all assessment is to always ensure that we are providing excellent provision for every child

  • Teachers reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics

  • Maths is taught across the curriculum ensuring that skills taught in these lessons are applied in other subjects 


Evidence in Knowledge

Pupils know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace. They know about different ways that maths can be used to support their future potential. Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Children demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes the recollection of multiplication tables.


Evidence in Skills

Pupils use acquired vocabulary in maths lessons. They have the skills to use methods independently and show resilience when tackling problems. Their work demonstrates a flexibility and fluidity in moving between different contexts and representations of maths. Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of the work. Their work demonstrates their ability to recognise relationships and make connections in maths and other curriculum areas. Teachers plan a range of opportunities to use maths inside and outside school.


Pupil Voice

Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their maths lessons and speak about how they love learning about maths. They can articulate the context in which maths is being taught and relate this to real life purposes. Children show confidence and believe they can learn about a new maths area and apply the knowledge and skills they already have.



Summative assessments are completed termly and at the end of each academic year.


Statutory Assessments take place at the end of each key stage:


  • At the end of Foundation Stage, pupils are assessed against the Early Learning Goals in Number and Numerical Patterns


  • At the end of KS1, pupils complete Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in Maths, which informs the teacher assessment


  • At the end of Year 4, pupils are tested on their Times Tables (up to 12 X 12). This is compulsory from June 2022


  • At the end KS2, the pupils complete Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in Maths. The result is accompanied by a teacher assessment  

Characteristics of a mathematician

  • Exhibit a fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system
  • Recognise patterns and relationships
  • Display mathematical thinking and have a keen awareness for quantitative information in the world around them
  • Have the ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with challenges and learn from mistakes
  • Transfer mathematical knowledge and learning to real life situations
  • Have an understanding of mathematical vocabulary, the important concepts and an ability to make connections within mathematics
  • Solve problems with multiple and/or alternative solutions
  • Demonstrate a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics
  • Apply estimation and mental arithmetic strategies
  • Think logically and symbolically about quantitative, spatial and abstract relationships
  • Exhibit fluency in performing written and mental calculations and mathematical techniques
  • Show the ability to reason, generalise and make sense of solutions
  • Show initiative when solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual

Whole school overview