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Dudley Wood Primary School and Pre-School

English - Writing


We want our pupils to understand the power of the written word - and use it.  Our role is to teach children to write independently and expressively.  We want them to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in, and for, a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.


Writing is one of life’s pleasures and one of life’s necessities.  There are 2 main elements to writing:  

  • secretarial - the mechanics of writing; Phonics & Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPaG) letter formation and handwriting 

  • authorial (content) – what you want to say, in the best way possible way; planning, drafting and editing & revising. 


The success of our writing curriculum, will be seen when children become writers.  They will demonstrate an obvious enjoyment of writing, discussing the choices they have made in their work. They will be able to write not only for pleasure and to express themselves, but to achieve a purpose too; as well as a means of acquiring and demonstrating knowledge in all other subject areas; and to facilitate their everyday life. 


The pupils will demonstrate their ability and understanding in writing through pupil voice, through their knowledge of the discrete elements of writing (SPaG) and through the pieces of writing they produce.  


Pupils will be assessed both formally and informally.  


An informal judgement about the pupils’ knowledge of the components of writing, or their writing ability, will be made whenever they respond to a question in class or write in any subject.  Their response will draw on and apply their knowledge of the mechanical and authorial skills of writing. 


More formal judgements regarding the pupils’ writing ability will be made through their teacher's assessment of the written piece(s) against the school’s writing objectives and/or the Teacher Assessment Frameworks for Year 2 and Year 6. Informal and formal tests will also be used to assess the pupils’ knowledge and ability in discrete aspects of writing e.g. spelling, SPaG.


Spelling tests are used regularly in class. 


Rising Stars SPAG tests are used half termly from Year 1 - 6.


Statutory Assessments take place at the end of each key stage:  


  • At the end of Foundation Stage, pupils are assessed against the Early Learning Goals in Communication & Language (Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking) & Literacy (Writing). 


  • At the end of Year 1, the pupils' phonic ability is assessed through the Phonics Screening Test.  


  • At the end of Key Stage 1, pupils complete Standard Attainment Tests (SATs).  Whilst there is not a test for writing, the pupils’ writing is assessed by their teacher against the Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Framework. 


  • At the end Key Stage 2, the pupils complete Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in SPaG.  Whilst there is not a test for writing, the pupils’ writing from throughout Year 6, is assessed by their teacher against the KS2 Teacher Assessment Framework, and their judgments are moderated.  The moderated judgement is reported as part of the teacher assessment and accompanies the test results for Reading, SPaG and Maths. 

Characteristics of a writer

  • Rehearse orally what is to be written
  • Write for purpose
  • Communicate ideas clearly
  • Use the rules of punctuation, spelling and grammar
  • Consciously choose and use leant techniques of punctuation and grammar for effect
  • An expanding knowledge of rich vocabulary
  • Bring a wider general knowledge or imagination to their writing
  • The ability to edit and revise to improve accuracy or effect
  • Take risks

Whole school overview